Hello Princesses!
Today I'm going to be talking about my shopping experience with BB Cosmetic!
Since shopping with BB Cosmetic back in August, I have been approached by the company to review some products (today is November 1st for me!) and have offered a coupon for 8% off for my readers! Simply copy and paste this code EPA6C8MP5D4 into the coupon code space in your cart. This is not an affiliate code (so I make no money from your purchase). This collaboration does not effect my views in this Store Review, and I haven't changed a thing since I wrote it in September. Honesty is important.
Website Practicality
I found BB Cosmetics website to be quite practical but not the most aesthetically pleasing. I found it easy to search for products, I like that you can filter by brand or by item type too! I found it easy to create a login, fill my cart and check out.

Price Comparison
The prices on BB Cosmetic seem to vary quite a lot, some deals I saw were amazing, some were very overpriced. Since BB Cosmetic has free shipping with no minimum spend, when the prices of the product are good they are very good!
BB Cosmetic
Petitfee Oil Blossom Lip Mask - $7.65
Petitfee Oil Blossom Lip Mask - $5.56 + Shipping $6.08 = $11.64
Shipping and Packaging
I placed my order on the 30th of August, and it was shipped on the 7th of September. I received my package on the 15th of September! My package was in transit for the same amount of time as it took to actually be packed up and sent which is a first for me. I was also surprised that none of my items were bubble wrapped, just put into little baggies. I would be wary of purchasing delicate items from BB Cosmetic.
I purchased these super cute Disney themed lip tints and a lip mask! I also received all of the samples on the right picture which is very generous.
Final Thoughts
I really enjoyed my shopping experience with BB Cosmetic! The shipping is free and fairly quick, though the packaging seems to take a whole week. The majority of the prices are very good, though there are some exceptions to that rule too. Overall, I'm happy to report that I would shop with BB Cosmetic again!
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